Chris beat cancer
Alltså Chris <3, han är min idol =P.
Nån mer som följt 10 day plant based challenge från FMTV? =)
"When something bad happens to me, I catch it right in the moment, I go, something better's right around the corner. This is setting me up for blessing. I'll even say thank you. Thank you, you just set me up
for a blessing, it's coming. Man I'm telling you, this thinking this way is so powerful."
for a blessing, it's coming. Man I'm telling you, this thinking this way is so powerful."
"Anybody watching this, next time anyone screws you over, hurts you, or whatever they do, instead of letting that anger and bitterness and resentment fester and take you over, forgive them. Just say, you know, I forgive them. Let it go and say, you know what, I'm glad this happened, something better is coming. This is setting me up for a blessing."
Han hade också sagt till sin dotter som hade klagat över något oviktigt: Du har tusen saker att vara tacksam för, välj en!
Postat av: Elin
Kloka ord faktiskt. Man borde tänka mer så. Det lät som ett mycket bättre tankesätt än det andra alternativet!